
Богомолов А.Б., Кулаков С.А., Зинин П.В., Кутвицкий В.А., Булатов М.Ф. Получение флуоресцентных композитных материалов на основе графитоподобного нитрида углерода // Оптика и спектроскопия. 2020. Т. 128. №. 7. С. 910-913. DOI: 10.21883/OS.2020.07.49562.109-20

Мантрова Ю.В., Зинин П.В., Булатов К.М., Быков А.А. Измерение распределения коэффициента теплового излучения и температуры поверхности вольфрама, нагретого излучением мощного лазера // Оптический журнал, Т. 87, № 11, 2020. DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2020-87-11-03-13

Popov, M. Y., Churkin, V. D., Kulnitskiy, B. A., Kirichenko, A. N., Bulatov, K. M., Bykov, A. A., Blank, V. Transformation of diamond to fullerene-type onions at pressure 70 GPa and temperature 2400 K // Nanotechnology. 2020. V. 31. No. 31. P. 315602. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab8b8f

Bogomolov, A. B., Kulakov, S. A., Zinin, P. V., Kutwitskii, V. A., Bulatov, M. F. Synthesis of Fluorescent Composite Materials Based on Graphitic Carbon Nitride // Optics and Spectroscopy. 2020. V. 128. No. 7. P. 920-923. DOI: 10.1134/S0030400X20070048

Bykov, A. A., Zinin, P. V., Bulatov, K. M., Filonenko, V. P., Kutuza, I. B. Raman spectroscopy for studying the synthesis of conducting BC3 hetero-diamonds in diamond anvil cell under high temperature // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, 2020. V. 1556. No. 1. P. 012045. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012045

Bulatov, K. M., Khramov, N. A., Vinogradov, M. A., Nosov, P. A., Zinin, P. V. Modeling the beam profile of an infrared laser to create optical tweezers in high pressure cells // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, 2020. V. 1636. No. 1. P. 012034. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1636/1/012034

Bulatov, K. M., Semenov, A. N., Bykov, A. A., Machikhin, A. S., Litasov, K. D., Zinin, P. V., Rashchenko, S. V. Measurement of thermal conductivity in laser-heated diamond anvil cell using radial temperature distribution // High Pressure Research. 2020. V. 40. No. 3. P. 315-324. DOI: 10.1080/08957959.220.1763334

Bulatov, K. M., Zinin, P. V., Bykov, A. A. Determination of the Melting Point of Solids by the Imaging Acousto-Optical Filter // Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. 2020. V. 14. No. 5. P. 1092-1096. DOI: 10.1134/S1027451020050249

Mantrova, Y. V., Zinin, P. V., Bykov, A. A., Bulatov, K. M. Determination of the effective emissivity distribution of a heated specimen using tandem acousto-optical tunable filter // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, 2020. V. 1556. No. 1. P. 012054. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/01205

Zinin, P. V., Velikovskii, D. Y., Sharma, S. K., Misra, A. K., Filonenko, V. P., Anokhin, A. S., Riedel, R. Near-Ir Raman Spectroscopy of Graphitic B–C–N Materials // Glass and Ceramics. 2020. P. 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s10717-020-00219-2

Зинин П.В., Филоненко В.П., Анохин А.С., Кутуза И.Б., Ридель Р. и др. Спектроскопия комбинационного рассеяния графитоподобных B–C–N-материалов в ближней инфракрасной области // Стекло и Керамика, № 12, 2019.

Быков А.А., Булатов К.М., Зинин П.В., Кутуза И.Б. Использование мощных лазеров для лазерного нагрева в ячейках высокого давления // Акустооптические и радиолокационные методы измерений и обработки информации. 2019. С. 143-145.

Bogomolov, A. B., Zinin, P. V., Kulakov, S. A., Kutvitsky, V. A., Bulatov, M. F., Kutuza, I. B. Effect of the nanoparticle composition on the fluorescence of carbon nitride coatings // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, 2019. V. 1421. No. 1. P. 012040. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1421/1/012040

Bykov, A. A., Zinin, P. V., Bulatov, K. M., Khokhlov, D. D., Kutuza, I. B. Compensation of spectral image shift in AOTF-based system // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, 2019. V. 1421. No. 1. P. 012031. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1421/1/012031

Mantrova, Y. V., Zinin, P. V., Bykov, A. A., Bulatov, K. M. Analysis of the statistical errors of the emissivity measurement of a laser heated surface by acousto-optical tunable filter // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing, 2019. V. 1421. No. 1. P. 012060. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1421/1/012060

Zinin, P. V., Bykov, A. A., Machikhin, A. S., Troyan, I. A., Bulatov, K. M., Mantrova, Y. V., Sharma, S. K. Measurement of the temperature distribution on the surface of the laser heated specimen in a diamond anvil cell system by the tandem imaging acousto-optical filter // High Pressure Research. 2019. V. 39. No. 1. P. 131-149. DOI: 10.1080/08957959.2018.1564748

Zinin, P. V., Filonenko, V. P., Zibrov, I. P., Anokhin, A. S., Kukueva, E. V., Lyapin, S. G., Kutuza, I. B. Synthesis of Microcrystals of Heavy-Boron-Doped Diamond and BC 3-Heterodiamonds at High Pressures and Temperatures // Glass and Ceramics. 2019. V. 75. No. 11. P. 441-445. DOI: 10.1007/s10717-019-00108-3

Bulatov, K. M., Zinin, P. V., Mantrova, Y. V., Bykov, A. A., Gaponov, M. I., Machikhin, A. S., Kutuza, I. B. Simultaneous measurements of the two-dimensional distribution of infrared laser intensity and temperature in a single-sided laser-heated diamond anvil cell // Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 2019. V. 351. No. 2-3. P. 286-294. DOI: 10.1016/j.crte.2018.06.011

Filonenko, V.P., Nozhkina, A.V., Romanov, R.I., Zinin, P.V., Titov, S.A., Lomonosov, A.M., Pupyrev, P.D., Bulatov, K.M., Bykov, A.A., Anokhin, A.S., Kutuza, I.B., Troyan, I.A., Fominskii, V.Y. “Synthesis of New Materials in the Boron–Carbon System” (2018) Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo i Keramika), 74 (11-12), pp. 434-439

V. Zinin, A. V. Nozhkina, R. I. Romanov, V. P. Filonenko, S. Titov, I. Trojan, V. Y. Fominski, K. M. Bulatov, A. A. Bykov, I. B. Kutuza, A. Anohin, A. M. Lomonosov.”Synthesis, Characterization of Elastic and Electrical Properties of Diamond-like BCx Nano-Phases Synthesized under High and Low Pressures”. MRS Advances. 3(1-2) 45-52 (2018)

Bykov, A.A., Kutuza, I.B., Zinin, P.V., Machikhin, A.S., Troyan, I.A., Bulatov, K.M., Batshev, V.I., Mantrova, Y.V., Gaponov, M.I., Prakapenka, V.B., Sharma, S.K. “Combined laser heating and tandem acousto-optical filter for two-dimensional temperature distribution on the surface of the heated microobject” (2018) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 946 (1), статья № 012085

Riedel, L. Wiehl, A. Zerr, P. Zinin, P. Kroll, “Superhard Materials”, in Dronskowski, Kikawa, Stein, Handbook of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 6, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 175-200 (2017).

К. М. Булатов, А. А. Быков, М.И. Гапонов, П.В. Зинин, И. Б. Кутуза, А. С. Мачихин, Ю. В. Мантрова. “Разработка методов изучения поведения вещества в экстремальных условиях: высокие давления и температуры”.  Физические основы приборостроения.  6(3), 72-82  (2017)

Zinin, P.V., Burgess, K., Prakapenka, V., Sharma, S.K., Kutuza, I.B., Chigarev, N., Gusev, V. “Combined laser ultrasonics, and Raman scattering in diamond anvil cell system operating in the transmission configuration” (2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 950 (4), статья № 042013

Zinin, P., Liu, X.R., Jia, R., Sharma, S.K., Ming, L.C., Kutuza, I., Troyan, I. “Bonding, elastic and vibrational properties in low and high pressure synthesized diamond-like BCx phases” (2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 950 (4), статья № 042050

Bulatov, K.M., Mantrova, Y.V., Bykov, A.A., Gaponov, M.I., Zinin, P.V., Machikhin, A.S., Troyan, I.A., Batshev, V.I., Kutuza, I.B. “Multi-spectral image processing for the measurement of a spatial temperature distribution on the surface of a laser-heated microscopic object” (2017) Computer Optics, 41 (6), pp. 864-868.

Machikhin, A.S., Batshev, V.I., Zinin, P.V., Shurygin, A.V., Khokhlov, D.D., Pozhar, V.E., Martyanov, P.S., Bykov, A.A., Boritko, S.V., Troyan, I.A., Kazakov, V.A. “An imaging spectroradiometry system for measuring spatial temperature distributions in microscopic objects” (2017) Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 60 (3), pp. 401-406.

Zinin, P.V., Prakapenka, V.B., Burgess, K., Odake, S., Chigarev, N., Sharma, S.K. “Combined laser ultrasonics, laser heating, and Raman scattering in diamond anvil cell system” (2016) Review of Scientific Instruments, 87 (12), статья № 123908, . Цитировано 2 раз.

Machikhin, A.S., Zinin, P.V., Shurygin, A.V., Khokhlov, D.D. “Imaging system based on a tandem acousto-optical tunable filter for in situ measurements of the high temperature distribution” (2016) Optics Letters, 41 (5), pp. 901-904.

Мельников Е.П., Ножкина А.В., Науменко И.А., Зинин П.В., Кутуза И.Б. “Физические методы диагностики минералов”. Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень (научно-технический журнал). 2016. S1.  445-454 (2016)